Assistant in Planning and Development 2014

Past Papers of Assistant BS-16

This is the past paper of Assistant in the Planning and Development Department (P&D) Punjab. This test was taken in 2014. PPSC (Punjab Public Service Commission) took this test of Assistant in the Planning and Development Department. There were total of 100 Multiple Short Questions in this past paper of Assistant in the Planning and Development Department. Given below are few of the original MCQs of Assistant paper. If you found any mistake in answers please let us know through your comments.
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Assistant Past Papers 2019
1.    All India Muslim League was founded in the city of:
a)    Lucknow
b)    Lahore
c)    Dhaka
d)    Calcutta
2.    Pakistan became a Republic on:
a)    23rd March 1958
b)    29th February 1958
c)    8th January 1958
d)    14th August 1947

3.    Numismatics is the study of:
a)    Horses
b)    Flags
c)    Fire arms
d)    Coins

4.    Which pair of words refers to butterflies and birds?
a)    Colts. Horses
b)    Bore, Boar
c)    Aviary, Apiary
d)    Pen, Sty

5.    Pick the odd one:
a)    Bicycle
b)    Ferry
c)    Railway
d)    Fish

6.    Pick the odd one from the following:
a)    Moon
b)    Ball
c)    Tree
d)    Earth

7.    Pick odd one:
a)    Lemonade
b)    Ake
c)    Bread
d)    milk

8.    From the following pick odd one:
a)    Cut
b)    Cod
c)    Blow
d)    dig

9.    Point out the stranger:
a)    Attock
b)    Texila
c)    Mangle Dam
d)    Haripur

10.  Point out the odd one:
a)    Sheep
b)    Rats
c)    Cows
d)    Horses

11.  From the following pick odd one:
a)    Generous
b)    Kind
c)    nasty
d)    Nice

12.  What is the synonym of Fulsome?
a)    Exuberant
b)    Emotional
c)    Dry
d)    Rough

13.  What is the synonym of Denigrate?
a)    Disparage
b)    Praise
c)    Describe
d)    Draw

14.  What is the synonym of Incendiary?
a)    Frolic
b)    Snicker
c)    causing fire
d)    emollient

15.  What is the synonym of Prerogative?
a)    End
b)    Puncture
c)    Summon
d)    Privilege

16.  What is the synonym of Calligraphy?
a)    word processing
b)    keyboard
c)    hand writing
d)    concussion

17.  What is the antonym of Gregarious?
a)    Boring
b)    Chubby
c)    Lonesome
d)    Talkative

18.  What is the antonym of Assent?
a)    disagree
b)    approve
c)    sanction
d)    pass

19.  What is the antonym of Fluid?
a)    Airy
b)    Still
c)    Frozen
d)    Moving

20.  What is the antonym of Onerous?
a)    Fluent
b)    Burdensome
c)    Difficult

d)    light 

For Assistant Past Papers 2016 Click Here

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