Assistant Director FIA | FPSC Solved Past Papers

Past Papers of Assistant Director FIA 

Jobs are announced in Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) for the post of Assistant Director. These jobs are announced by Federal Public Service Commission (FPSC). These are important questions for the upcoming test of Assistant Director FIA.
assistant director past papers, fia past papers 2019

1.    What was the name given to India's Partition Plan?
a)    June 3rd Plan
b)    Cabinet Mission Plan
c)    Independence Act
d)    Radcliff Award

2.    Alzheimer's disease is characterized by:
a)    Kidney failure
b)    Nero degeneration
c)    Bone density reduction
d)    Liver cirrhosis

3.    Presidential form of the government in Pakistan was introduced under the Constitution of:
a)    1958
b)    1962
c)    1973
d)    Act of 1935

Choose the most suitable word to match the given meaning
4.    To introduce ideas:
a)    Instill
b)    Inspire
c)    Invigorate
d)    Impress

5.    Less than:
a)    Intra
b)    Infra
c)    Inter
d)    Intro

6.    To disfigure:
a)    Efface
b)    Deface
c)    Face
d)    Beautify

7.    To hesitate:
a)    Murmur
b)    Demure
c)    Agree
d)    Demur

8.    A terrible, sudden accident:
a)    Holocaust
b)    Disaster
c)    Epidemic
d)    Jolt

Chose the correct meanings of the Idioms
9.    Hide one's light under a bushel:
a)    To save electricity
b)    To conceal one's talents
c)    To avoid limelight
d)    To use light in moderation

10.  Hobson's choice:
a)    Giving no choice at all
b)    To make the best choice
c)    To make the worst choice
d)    To settle for a compromise

11.  What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander
a)    Everyone regardless of differences deserve equal treatment
b)    Goose and gander should both be fed with sauce
c)    Like treatment for like things
d)    Rich and poor should be treated equally

12.  To lionize a person:
a)    Acquisition of lion-like characteristics by a person
b)    To worship someone
c)    To treat a person as a celebrity
d)    A process for training circus lions

13.  To gather orange blossoms:
a)    To get oranges
b)    To get a bride
c)    to get a groom
d)    To have children

14.  Keep one's, own counsel:
a)    To retain one's own layer
b)    To rely on own advice
c)    To preserve a discreet silence
d)    To obtain the services of a lawyer belonging to one's own family

15.  Fair-weather friends:
a)    Persons who remain friends at all times
b)    Persons who cease to be friends when one is in trouble
c)    Persons who forge friendships when fair weather conditions exist
d)    Persons who maintain friendships even in difficult times

16.  Leading questions:
a)    Main question
b)    The question requiring a precise answer
c)    Question suggesting an answer
d)    The question which is the most difficult to answer

17.  The headquarters of an international environmental organization 'Green Peace' is in:
a)    London
b)    Paris
c)    Vienna
d)    Amsterdam

18.  The cause of Malaria was discovered by:
a)    Edward Jenner
b)    Alexander Fleming
c)    Ronald Ross
d)    None of these

19.  The largest Producer of Natural Gas in the Muslim world is:
a)    Qatar
b)    Turkmenistan
c)    Iran
d)    Kazakhstan

20.  Who was the first man to salt round the world?
a)    Ferdinand Magellan
b)    John Maynard
c)    Ernst Schumaher
d)    Milton Friedman

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