Zilladar Solved Past Papers 2017

Zilladar Past Papers

PPSC has announced the jobs for Zilladar all over Punjab. The last date to apply is 30th March 2020. Given below are some questions from the past papers of Zilladar 2017. This Past Paper was taken by PPSC.
solved past papers of zilladar

Fill in the blanks with one of the prepositions given below:
1.       I was annoyed ______ my mistake.
a)      On
b)      Up
c)       at
d)      In

2.       Is he eligible _____ scholarship?
a)      With
b)      Of
c)       At
d)      For

3.       I am greatly Indebted ______ you for your help.
a)      For
b)      To
c)       Of
d)      By

4.       He was sorry _____ his failure.
a)      On
b)      At
c)       For
d)      with

5.       He has resigned and will hand ______ charge of his post today.
a)      out
b)      off
c)       over
d)      away

6.       His father passed last night.
a)      Out
b)      Off
c)       Over
d)      Away

7.       This merchant deals silk goods.
a)      With
b)      About
c)       For
d)      In

8.       GDP stands for:
a)      Gross daily product
b)      Gross domestic product
c)       Gross domestic purchase
d)      Gross daily purchase

9.       First Five year plan was for the years?
a)      1947-1952
b)      1955-1960
c)       1973-1978
d)      1988-1993

10.   Financial year of Pakistan closes on?
a)      December 31
b)      March 31
c)       June 30
d)      September 30

11.    Holy Prophet (PBUH) was born in?
a)      568 AD
b)      569 AD
c)       571 AD
d)      572AD

12.   How old was Holy Prophet (PBUH) at the time of death of his mother?
a)      3
b)      6
c)       7
d)      8

13.   Which Surah of Holy Quran was the first to be revealed?
a)      Al Hamd
b)      Al Baqrah
c)       Al Alaq
d)      Al Rahman

14.   Who was the grandfather of Holy Prophet (PBUH)?
a)      Hazrat Abu Talib
b)      Hazrat Abdul Muttalib
c)       Abu Hashlm
d)      Abd Manaf

15.   According to Treaty of Hudaibiya, a truce (peace) was declared between Muslims and Qurish for years?
a)      5
b)      7
c)       10
d)      12

16.   To which Arab Tribe did Hazrat Usman belong?
a)      Bani Hashim
b)      Aus
c)       Khazraj
d)      Bani Umayyad

17.   ______ is the Seventh month of Muslim Calendar?
a)      Rajab
b)      Shaiban
c)       Ramadhan
d)      Zi qad

18.   A computer program that converts an entire program into machine language is called a/an:
a)      Interpreter
b)      Simulator
c)       Commander
d)      Compiler

19.   In most IBM PCs, the CPU, the device drives, memory expansion slots and active components are mounted on a single board. What is the name of this board?
a)      Breadboard
b)      Daughter board
c)       Mother board
d)      Grandmother board

20.   The system of a personal computer typically contains all of the following except:
a)      Microprocessor
b)      Modem
c)       Disk controller
d)      Serial interface

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